Cadbury Hill Fort Excavations during the period 1959 to 1973 established the national importance of the hill fort, which
YCCCART aim to fully survey. YCCCART survey results to date have been spectacular.
POW Camp YCCCART’s first resistivity survey was on the site of a WW2 prisoner of war site at the foot of the Cadbury
Hill Fort.
St Mary's Church & Conservation Area A YCCCART geophysical survey may have located the walls of the lost chapel
of St James. However, 13 test pits dug near the church failed to discover any structures in existence prior to the modern
village being constructed.
Glebeland Glebeland is part of the Glebe in Yatton, which used to provide revenue to the Vicar. A row of ten small
cottages and tenements, with gardens behind, faced the High Street, three more cottages faced the gated Causeway
leading to the Church and by 1841 three more cottages were built in the gardens. YCCCART surveyed an area now an
open space with lawns and may have located a previously unknown building.
New Graveyard Yatton Parish Council acquired a field for a new graveyard and asked YCCCART to make a survey prior to
the change of use.
Moors The low lying land to the south and north of the village contains numerous archaeological sites. YCCCART has
surveyed three fields and seem to have located three buildings.
Ken Moor Gate A one up, one down cottage was photographically recorded prior to its demolition.
Wemberham Geophysicial surveys have been completed over a large area of the field containing the Roman villa at
Wemberham with fascinating results.
General Yatton History Society has recorded all sites of historical and archaeological interest, which could be plotted on
an Ordnance Survey map. Vince Russett has also been examining Yatton’s old crosses.
Yatton Site Surveys & Excavations
Yatton Congresbury Claverham and Cleeve Archaeology Research Team